Prepping should become a top priority for all

Speaking Up Becky Uehling Editor
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Preppers. What comes to your mind when this word crosses your ears? Conspiracy theorist? Nut job? Or do you think of someone who worries too much and should just get on with living, day-by-day, and not take the world so seriously? Maybe you think all of the above. 

Actually, I believe we are all preppers to one extent or another, we just don’t know it. However, with conditions ripening around the world for continued societal upheaval, I think we all could do well to up our “prepping” game, even just a little.

September is National Preparedness Month, and, admit it, you have “prepped” for some natural disasters that we could find ourselves in on the Plains—winter blizzards, temporary electrical outages, and, everyone’s favorite, tornadoes. All of us probably have some candles stashed away with extra matches and a battery operated radio. Or, some of you might even have such items as a few extra days of food and water, just in case the lights went out for more than a few hours. All well and good. However, this September, I ask that you take a look at the bigger picture, a really good look, at where our world is at now, and consider that your prepping could and should become a little more in depth.

The world has changed since the pandemic hit in January 2020, and, according to some, will never be exactly the same again. I applaud you if you know this, because the majority of people do not.

Being a news junkie, I am literally taking in news all day. Most of it does not come from the mainstream media. You know many of the three-lettered sources, NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS and even FOX. Many of the sources of my news come from those entities which have probably been banned by the big social media platforms, or have been derided by the mainstream media as spreading “misinformation” or “fake news.” This, for me, means that I am getting my news from the right sources. 

My news source of choice is The Epoch Times. 

According to their website, the Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by Chinese-Americans who fled communism and sought to create an independent media to bring the world uncensored and truthful information. The Epoch Times, according to its website, “is the fastest-growing independent news media in America that offers nonpartisan and truthful reporting.” From following them for more than one year now, I can tell you that statement is true. 

Another source I follow is Daily Wire. One of the newest members at Daily Wire is Jordan Peterson. 

Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist, author, media personality, and former professor emeritus at the University of Toronto. He is another name who you should get to know well if you like having truth in your life. 

Peterson recently interviewed war correspondent and former Green Beret Michael Yon on what he sees is the inevitable world famine that is just months, or weeks, away from starting. The interview was interesting and terrifying at the same time. 

In the interview, Michael focused on the current protesting by Netherland farmers, who are trying to save their livelihoods as it is being threatened by their own government in the name of stopping the “climate crisis” at any cost. 

The Netherland’s government, who has aligned itself with the United Nations, Paris Climate Accords, and World Economic Forum, is pushing to drastically cut the farmers’ “pollutants,” mainly CO2, which has been part of farming for decades. Basically, Yon said, what the government is asking of the farmers will put many of them out of business. (It should be noted that the Netherlands is the second largest food exporter in the world, behind the U.S.) 

The same like-minded governments in Ireland, Canada, and even here in the U.S. with the recent passage of the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” are pushing for many of the same drastic climate change rules, according to Yon. 

One year ago, these same Paris Accords climate change policies, directed by the UN and WEF, were put in place in Sri Lanka, and, according to Yon and others, helped to lead the country into collapse within just one year, he said. 

Besides climate change policies threatening farmers around the world, another threat to food security on the horizon will be the lack of fertilizer, which started with the war between Russia and Ukraine, and has continued with a chain reaction of events across the world, he said. The Russians have shut down their natural gas pipeline to much of Europe because of NATO’s support of Ukraine. This has led to the stifling of one of the main ingredients to make fertilizer, according to Yon.

In an effort to virtue signal their support for Ukraine, Europe, and especially Germany, are defiant against accepting anything from Russia, even if they could use it, while also fully aligning with the unsustainable rush to cut fossil fuels from their countries because of Paris Accords. Because of this, they are, according to Yon, slow marching into national suicide by deindustrializing their countries. With their commitment to not support Russia in any way by taking their natural gas, and refusing to turn on their nuclear plants for energy, or utilizing other natural gas sources in the region, Germans are now cutting down forests to have some sort of heat during the freezing temperatures that are coming in the next month or so. How ironic! 

All of these factors together is creating the perfect storm, according to Yon, that will lead our planet to full blown famine. How? According to Yon, famines push people out of areas, causing mass migrations. With the disruption in fuel, food and fertilizer, Europe’s actions will not only affect it, but also many of the third-world countries which import its agricultural products.

 The U.S. will not be immune from these events, Yon said.

 The U.S. has seen more illegal immigrants cross our borders within the last two years than we have in decades, according to the Office of Homeland Security, and Yon. Yon said this will become worse and worse, as people leave Europe, Africa and Asia to look for food. 

These effects are already being seen and felt.  

With our country still not back to 100 percent because of the pandemic shut-down policies, and with droughts and the imminent decrease in fertilizers, Yon said Americans should not believe that we are immune from famine or other societal disruptions because of the food, fuel and fertilizer shortages  because the world is so connected. 

Because of this, I believe all of us should take on a prepper’s mentality...prepare for the worst, hope for the best. 

In this week’s edition for the Tribune-Sentinel, on Page 3, there is a National Preparedness Month special ad sponsored by Midwest Electric, Countryside Insurance, and Farm Bureau Financial. I encourage all of our readers to take a look at this ad and see where they can fortify their own preparedness plan. I also encourage all of you to follow Michael Yon at his website,, on Gettr, or on Locals, and start listening to news outside of the Mocking Bird media. You can find Jordan Peterson’s interview with Yon on Yon’s website. 

It never hurts to get another opinion on things or to prepare a little more than you are today.  I encourage you to do both.  


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