School improvement visit completed

A four-person team of educators came away with positive impressions of Perkins County School during a school improvement visit here last week.

The review team included three superintendents and a representative from the Nebraska Department of Education. 

Nebraska requires schools to have a five-year improvement plan and team in place to insure they are meeting the needs of their students. 

Members of the local team include educators, parents and community representatives.

Their work was on display to the review team last week. 

The review team examined progress on two specific goals of the school:

1. All students will improve their vocabulary. 

2. Improve opportunities for   stakeholders to be involved with and aware of the school’s Continuous Improvement Process. 

The team spent time in elementary, middle school and high school classrooms. They also interviewed school leadership, parents, community members, teachers and students. 

A comprehensive report will be prepared for the school in the coming weeks. 


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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