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Austin and Ashley hold their newborn daughter, Emery, along with the baby’s siblings, Lexie and Carter.

Candy family welcomes first baby of 2020

After choosing to travel from Brule to Grant for the birth of their third child, the Candy family welcomed the first baby born in Perkins County this year.

Ashley and Austin Candy found themselves in the delivery room a week before their due date, and after a smooth and quick delivery they welcomed their new daughter Emery Ann.

Emery arrived at 10:52 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 6 weighing 7 pounds and 13 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long.

Ashley selected the name Emery, and both mother and daughter share the middle name Ann. Her parents describe her as a super quiet and happy baby who wants to do nothing but sleep.

Emery will live with her family in Brule, her mother a homemaker and her father working at a farm.

She is welcomed into this world by her two siblings, Lexie and Carter, and grandparents Gary Bush Jr. and Jamie Bush, and Mike and Jen Candy.

Gift Basket

In true Perkins County fashion, the family of the New Year’s baby didn’t go home empty handed, as several area businesses came together to sweeten the prize pot.

Gifts included: $10 gift certificate, bib - Area 14 Cattle Women; gift card - WinDesigns; autographed book - Patty Bremmer; 1 year subscription - Grant Tribune; gift card - Hatch’s; $25 greenbacks - Perkins County Chamber; $25 gift card - Makenzi’s; basket, diapers, wipes, hand sanitizer, bath soaps, candle - Goff Services; onesie, bib, hat, tumbler, bag - Cotton Empire; Zum laundry soap - Soulful Salvage; diapers, wipes, book, blanket, statue, stuffed bear - anonymous donor.


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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