PCPPC provides Q and A on pool bond

The Perkins County Pool Project (PCPP) committee has been very active the last few months. We have been involved in several fundraising activities including the bounce houses and bingo at the fair and the recent Perkins County football tailgate. We appreciate you all coming out to support these fundraising events! 

We also have been involved with the City of Grant park and recreation committee and the Grant City Council in moving the aquatic center project forward. 

The city council voted to place a $2.4 million bond on the November ballot. With this upcoming vote, we realize there are a lot of questions and concerns about this bond. 

To clarify information and educate the public, we will be hosting two town hall meetings on Oct. 25 and Nov. 1, 6 p.m. at the Perkins County Senior Center. In addition, the PCPP committee has had the opportunity to speak to both the Rotary and Chamber regarding the project and bond. 

Furthermore, we included some questions and answers below:

• Q: How much money has the PCPP committee raised? A: $220,000

• Q: How much money has the sales and use tax generated for this project? 

A: $447,000

• Q: How much of the bond will the sales and use tax pay? 

A: $1 million. (per bond writer Tobin Buchanan)

• Q: How much will a new pool cost to maintain per year? 

A: We have received information about Imperial’s Swimming Pool whose estimated expenses for 2018 is $46,411 per Jo Leland, city administrator. A new pool in Grant should be very close to this amount. 

• Q: How much does the current pool cost to maintain per year? 

A: Per Mayor Mike Wyatt, 2017 expenses were $59,890 and 2016 expenses were $46,976.80.

• Q: Does Chase County Schools pay for part of Imperial’s pool expenses? 

A: No

• Q: Have grants been applied for? 

A: The grant writer, Angela Gloy, will begin the grant writing process once the project has been contracted. 

• Q: Have all the pledges been received? 

A: No. Once the project has a firm completion date, pledges will be completed.

• Q: When will the City apply for grants?

   A: Those awarding grants to entities, in our case the City of Grant, want to see some “skin in the game” such as the bond.  Once the bond is approved, the grant application process can begin. 

We hope you can attend the town hall informational meetings!


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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