Walk to Health winners announced

Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department’s (SWNPHD ) 14th annual Walk to Health program was recently completed.  

The program lasted for 12 weeks and included 445 residents of all ages in the SWNPHD nine-county service area.  

“We were very happy with the new Move Spring mobile application provided to the walking program,” said Myra Stoney, SWNPHD director.  “Excellent results were achieved by these motivated participants: 291,587,077 steps total were walked through Walk to Health.”

Trent Spady of Chase County reached 2,142,661 steps, achieving first place in the Walk to Health program.  His team, which included his wife Jodi Spady, finished first as well with the most steps: 1,582,082 averaged.

Timmarie Messersmith of Perkins County placed fifth with 1,891,005 steps. 

The program will continue this year with additional challenges.  The next activity challenge will begin Aug. 13 and go through Labor Day.  

Community members interested in participating can download the MoveSpring app from the App Store or Google Play, or create an account at https://app.movespring.com and use Organization Code WALK2H. The link to join the Summer Streak Challenge will be posted on SWNPHD’s Facebook and Twitter pages.

SWNPHD utilizes Healthy People 2020 national goals for the Walk to Health program, which is to increase the proportion of adults who engage in aerobic physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week.  

“We hope to inform, educate and empower the residents of southwest Nebraska about the positive outcomes of physical activity,” explains Stoney.  “This is just one of SWNPHD’s efforts to reduce cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke.” 

Follow them on Facebook and Twitter.  For more information call 308-345-4223 or stop in at Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department, 404 West 10th Street in McCook or 501 Broadway in Imperial. 

Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department serves Chase, Dundy, Frontier, Furnas, Hayes, Hitchcock, Keith, Perkins and Red Willow counties.


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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327 Central Ave in Grant
Grant NE 69140