Lions Club to join GVFD in pancake feed benefit

The Grant Lions Club has offered to join the Grant Volunteer Fire Department in organizing the benefit pancake feed for Michelle Briggs. 

“When a top notch service club like the Grant Lions Club offers assistance, you accept that offer with a sigh of relief,” said Grant Fire Chief Don Softley. 

The benefit is scheduled for June 30 at the Perkins County fairgrounds with a serving start time of 5 p.m., along with a silent auction. 

Matt Deaver, chairman of the fundraising event said, “The Lions Club has the experience and knowledge in successfully operating such an event. Why turn the time-honored help away?”

“After all, the Lions Club has only served 10,000 delicious pancakes in just the last decade in our community,” said Softley.

“I think the members of the fire department would have to pass the ‘concussion protocol’ test if we thought this event could not utilize the Lions Club’s guidance and direction,” he added.


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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