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Elmer Armijo (front row, center) poses for a team picture back in his professional soccer days in 1983.

Pastor reignites past profession to inspire youth

Perkins County students in the fifth through seventh grades will have an opportunity to get some soccer tips and practice with a professional. 

Pastor Elmer Armijo who has been with the Grant United Methodist Church since July 2016, is starting a program Wednesday evenings from 5-6 p.m. starting today, April 4, and running until the final week of school. 

Armijo will be hosting the indoor soccer class in the elementary school gym. 

“I just want to pass on the skills and techniques to the children,” Armijo said. 

“I want to educate the kids and encourage the newer generations to explore their soccer abilities.”

As a small boy growing up in Honduras, Armijo was always interested in soccer. As he grew up he realized he was actually even pretty good at it. He started to play officially at 14.

He said growing up, he respected his soccer coaches, and they really checked in on him and kept him in line. 

“They taught us, we don’t drink, we don’t smoke, and we don’t do drugs, to play professional soccer,” he said, noting they would watch their team members, and if they were caught acting up, they did not get to play in the next game. 

By age 17, despite some hesitation from his mother, he was a professional playing for the Reol Moya and Moto Guo Juvenil team.

Armijo made the tough decision to leave his professional soccer days behind and pursue his other dreams and aspirations of teaching and ultimately, becoming a pastor, something he doesn’t regret by any means. 

In addition to his professional background, Armijo also helped with the soccer program last year, but said the weather really prevented them from doing all he wanted to do with the kids, which is why he has decided to take the practice in to the gym.

Kids in the fifth, sixth and seventh grade are encouraged to attend. The only thing Armijo requests is that they come with a number four soccer ball and a pair of tennis shoes. 

“This should be fun,” Armijo said of coaching the kids for a few weeks. 


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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