Quiz bowl opens with early-season quadrangular

The Perkins County High School quiz bowl team hosted a quadrangular on Thursday, Feb. 8 with Ogallala, South Platte and Wauneta-Palisade schools.  

The purpose of this early-season tournament was to give all competitors some significant playing time. To that end, each team played the other twice.  

PC went 5-1, finishing with the best record. They defeated Ogallala and Wauneta-Palisade twice, and split contests with South Platte.  

This year’s team members include captain, Kenyon Gaar, Chris Terry, Zach Malmkar, Jack Kohl, Jaci Kurkowski, Matthew Wendell, Jacob Woodmancy, Keegan Sims, Ethan Terry, Nathan Kemling and Coach Deanne Bishop

Next action

Their next competition will be the SPVA quiz bowl tournament, hosted by Chase County on March 15 at 3 p.m.


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