GVFD offering support for eclipse

As thousands prepare to flood into Nebraska to view the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21, Grant Volunteer Fire Department and Perkins County Ambulance prepare to support Arthur County during the event.

According to GVFD Fire Chief Don Softley, this is a “massive collaborative effort” from multiple counties and departments. 

Grant will be sending a team of six volunteers along with one ambulance, one fire truck and a command vehicle. There will also be additional Grant medical personnel in the nearby area.

The main aspect of the trip, according to Softley, is medical. Although fire is still a large focus, that concern has been somewhat minimized with recent moisture. However, dry grasses can still be a factor for vehicles pulled off the main roads.

Emergency personnel are preparing for everything from accidents, to snake bites and wildlife encounters. 

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The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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