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Class of 1947— (l-r): Turzah Knotwell Michael, Donna Powell Brodbeck, Betty Shuey Larsen and Eleanor Bancroft Yoakam.

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Class of 1957—(Front row, l-r): Noel Bullock, Kareln Bahnsen Bullock, Elva Poppe Richard, Byron Richard, Loneta Mosel Olvey, Jeanette Dahlkoetter Laitner and Marcia Tickle Spratt. Back row: Jerry McArtor, Roger Brodbeck, Fran Flynn Olson, Linda McDonald Kein and Janice Kuskie Lair. 

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Class of 1967—(Front row, l-r):  Patricia Richter, Nancy McCormick Kruse, Marlene Kuskie Pritchett, Pam Foster, Marlea Thayer Thompson, Gaylene Mitehem Lombardi, Kathy Larsen Claassen, Wanda Rothenberger Thompson and Rod Hutt. Second row: Les Potts, Allan Pankonin Dick Salsman, Leon Pankonin, Cliff Colglazier and Susie Sexson Cook. Third row: Randy Gengenbach, Lex Thompson, Jim Sexson, Linda Rowley Skeels and Beth Welsh Bayless. Back row: Jim Bishop, Doug Gregg, Randy Ochsner, Gary Glinn and Jim Kemling.

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Class of 1977—(Front row, l-r):  Jim Cooper, Mike Barry, David Norman, David “Turkey” Engel. Second row: Frank Anderson, Mike Mayer, Bernie Deaver, Tim Malmkar. Back row: Carmen Deaver Bottom, Susie Burnham Bence and Kelly Larsen Bothast. 

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Class of 1987—(Front row, l-r):  Melanie Batty, Jarwyn Vak and Stacy Hintz Merrell. Back row: Doug “Buff” Rezac, Brian Holaway, Todd Engel and Mike Skeels. 

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Class of 1997—(Front row, l-r): Josh Richardson, Chelsa Germer Hervert, Tiffany Bliss Heithoff, Casandra Klima, Craig Engel and Jay Lowe. Back row: Jayson Bishop, Kasey Kroeker, Everett Deger, Eddie Martens and Marlin Wendell. 

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Class of 2007—(Front row, l-r): Scott Wood, Justin Borowski, Lesley Dudden, Leah Dahlkoetter Wissmann and Will York. Second row: Michelle Howerter Cole, Ellie Pelster McCormick, Dawnie Ross Ramie, Jennifer Hagan, Emily Carlson Holmes, Andrew Mahnken. Back row: Cameron Sis, Jackie Curtis, Makayla Lee Crawford, Kylie Croup and Tara Krajewski. 

Perkins County Banquet held

Photos by Russ Pankonin / Johnson Publications

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Kinley, 6, (left) and Kyler, 5, children of Curt and Jill Richmond of Grant, make an entrance in Grant’s city pool. 

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Brooke Pankonin | Johnson Publications

On Friday, June 9, (back, l-r): Emily Cornelius, Hallie Fisher and Ava Reese set up a lemonade stand on Central Avenue, making $354 for the Perkins County Pool Project. Porter Jo Goff and Tayvin Lutz were among several served. 

Pool committee raises funds and awareness

By Brooke Pankonin

Grant Tribune Sentinel



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