Parents group seeks to update, expand ballfields

By Becky Uehling

Grant Tribune-Sentinel

A group of parents have a vision for the Grant ball fields that would see the complex not only renovated, but potentially expanded to accommodate year-round events and tournaments.

The idea was presented to the Grant City Council by Chris Fryzek on Tuesday, July 26, with other parents on hand in support of the idea.

Fryzek praised the work of the current Parks and Rec Board of the City, and Director Brittany Brott, but stated the group believes the ballfield complex should be separate from the pool, with a separate board overseeing its development.

“What would really be desirable is some kind of master, long-term plan for the ball fields,” Fryzek said, questioning the council on the oversight structure of the ballfields, and how people could get more involved with having a say in what happens at the fields.

Discussion was held on the actual ownership of the fields. It was indicated that Perkins County actually owns the fields, with the Fair Board and the City of Grant being put in charge of how it is run, according to the city’s attorney Tawna Holmstedt.

Fryzek said he had been in contact with the Fair Board, which indicated they were not opposed to any work being done at the fields as long as it was beyond the parking lot to the west of the fairgrounds. It was discussed by the group that getting the county involved with having a say in the ballfield renovation efforts would be advantageous.

Also discussed were parameters to participate on the City of Grant’s Park and Rec Board. As is the case with all City of Grant boards, a person must be a resident of the City of Grant, said Board President Andrea Brueggeman. Discussion was held on current vacancies on the board, which is made up of five people.

Fryzek presented different schematics to the council that showed ideas from minimal work, such as the planting of trees and the addition of playground equipment, all the way up to the building of a large indoor batting complex and the addition of soccer fields and a campground. Fryzek stated the interested group understands the magnitude of fundraising efforts that will be required to accomplish the goals and they are ready to take that on.

“We are hoping to start a similar group like the one that was formed to help make the new swimming pool a reality,” he said. Fryzek questioned the council on how the pool group came about.

Councilmember Kim Bishop stated it was a spontaneous group of parents that came together with the same goal of seeking out a way to improve the pool. Fryzek and the ballfield group were just as eager to see improvements at the ballfield come to fruition.

Councilmember Sam Sims stated that he would be more eager to move forward with the project if he saw the passion from several in the community to really move forward with the proposed project, like what was demonstrated with the new pool.

The council encouraged the group to present their ideas and costs to the city for consideration in their current budget year planning, and also encouraged the group to nominate people to serve on the Park and Rec Board.

For more information on the group that is working to improve the ballfields, contact Chris Fryzek at 308-353-6317 or John Goodell at 308-530-1684.


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