Ball fields tree planting project set for Oct. 23 Volunteers need to help with task

Thanks to the Free Trees for Fall Planting program, an effort of the Nebraska Forest Service and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, community volunteers received 10 trees for the ball fields improvement project. Tree planting will take place on Sunday, Oct. 23, 2 p.m. at the t-ball field. This is an excellent opportunity for youth in search of volunteer hours, for those who like trees, and for all Perkins County residents. Fore more information, contact Angela Gloy at 765-413-7317.

A need for trees at
the Ball Fields

The Perkins County ball fields are heavily used every year by several ball and soccer teams. Currently, the ball facilities lack shade trees.  This summer especially highlighted the need for shade trees that could temper summer heat. 

The trees received through the Free Trees for Fall Planting program will be planted at the edge of the t-ball field. Once mature, the trees will provide needed shade for county youth, visiting teams, and all spectators during games. 

The larger project calls for planting trees at the outfield edge of both the t-ball and pony fields. 

Hopefully, the shaded areas offer additional viewing/seating space on the hottest days. 

Nebraska community forests have been in steady decline. Many challenges contribute, including extreme weather, insects, disease and lack of species diversity. The Emerald Ash borer is the latest major challenge added to the list.

In an effort to stop this decline and increase community forest resilience, the Free Trees program grants up to 10 high quality trees for tree-related educational events and community celebrations promoting trees and fall planting. 

In addition to simply planting more trees, the program goals include increasing appreciation and awareness of the value of community forests in Nebraska. 

Free Trees for Fall Planting is supported by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s Trees for Nebraska Towns Initiative funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust.”


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