School board gets three resignations from PCS staff at April meeting

Perkins County Schools Superintendent Phillip Picquet found himself scrambling to solve staffing assignments after three resignations.

The board accepted the resignations of teacher Jonathan Hunt, school nurse Kerri Minster and TeamMates coordinator Larry Pritchett during their April 20 meeting. 

In addition to his teaching duties, Hunt also served as head football coach and assistant girls basketball coach. 

He has accepted a position at Malcolm.

Picquet said they are advertising the social studies position with coaching opportunities. However, if the position can’t be filled with the right individual, he believes they can fill the position in-house. 

He added they have staff members interested in the head football coach position. 

Girls head basketball coach Katie Cross will be stepping down for 2020-21 season since she is expecting a baby, Picquet noted. 

Deanne Bishop will take over as the girls’ head coach and will be joined by Renee Seiler. Both coached the junior high girls this past year. 

Minster’s position as school nurse was part-time. Picquet said he is exploring options for that position.

The school sponsors the TeamMates program and Nicole Long will take over as coordinator.

Long resigned as elementary principal and will move back into the classroom next year.  

She will teach elementary art, coordinate the assessment and work study programs and oversee the school’s student information management system. 

The addition of newly-hired science teacher Jennifer Gonzalez will allow Bishop to continue to guide curriculum, run the High Achiever Learning program and teach some science classes. She will also assist Long with student assessment.

In other action, the board approved a resolution to declare the COVID-19 pandemic as an emergency and allow Picquet to apply for aid that may be available. 

They also passed a resolution on graduation requirements since school was dismissed in mid-March; a resolution accepting waiver of Nebraska Department of Education standards; and addressed sick leave and pay for certified staff during the COVID-16 crisis.

Picquet said this week certified staff has been fulfilling their contractual obligations. The final packet of enhanced learning materials was distributed this week.

Members of the classified staff continue to work in the building and have completed a significant amount of maintenance and other projects. 


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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