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Trent Patrick (right), Lions pancake committee chairman, presents a check to Ivan Palu.

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Patrick presents check to Matt Greenwood.

Lions donate to residents

The Grant Lions Club issued assistance grants to two local residents during their meeting last week. The grants were made possible through the proceeds from the last two years’ Groundhog pancake feeds.

Recipients of the grants were Matt Greenwood and Ivan Palu. 

Greenwood recently suffered a stroke which left him partially paralyzed on his right side. 

His rehabilitation has been a long process, which has included rehab in Kearney, physical and occupational therapy at Perkins County Health Services and extensive exercises at home.

Greenwood, an employee at Adams Lumber and Grant City Council member, expressed gratitude for the Lions Club assistance. Although the donation will not cover all his expenses, he said, “Everything that I have received has been a big help.”

Palu, a retired local citizen, had a house fire late last year. He also expressed gratitude for the assistance and said the whole community has been very generous. Several gift cards and other assistance have been issued to him to help recover from his losses.

The Lions pancake feed benefit has been held annually for several years. Although the exact start year is unknown, one 49-year member said it had been going on years before he joined the organization.

Pancake committee chairmam is Trent Patrick and other members include Lisa Schmitt, Jason Reese, John VanLieu, Gary Talich and Ken Hightower.


The Grant Tribune-Sentinel

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