Lions’ Foundation Camp ROAR for diabetic children

This summer, the Nebraska Lions Foundation is bringing a special camp geared towards diabetic children in grades 6-9.

According to the American Diabetes Association, 210,000 under the age of 20 are estimated to have diagnosed diabetes. 

The Lions Foundation is no stranger to hosting camps for kids, however, according to the Camp Committee Chair Betty Thomas of Grant, hosting a camp for diabetic children had a whole new set of hoops to jump through. 

Thomas and the camp committee have been working very closely with the American Diabetes Association to ensure all the bases are covered, all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.

One of the guidelines that will be followed is each child will have their insulin levels checked at least five times per day, and possibly more if there is an abnormal reading, which requires the kids to then also be checked during the night. 

The Nebraska Lions Foundation has also been in contact with several drug companies who have generously contributed all the necessary equipment and supplies that may be required at any given time during the camp, including insulin that has to be kept at just the right temperature.

“It doesn’t matter if the kids are out in the boat on the water, or in the lunch room or doing activities, we will have everything on hand to ensure each kid has what they need, right there with them at all times,” Thomas said. 

There will be a trained camp counselor for every five kids at the counselor. Also on hand will be a Registered Diabetic Educator from Great Plains Health in North Platte, a Registered Dietician from Chase County Community Hospital, as well as a Nurse Practitioner from Perkins County Health Services, all keeping in the guidelines established by the American Diabetes Association.

“A diabetes diagnosis ends life as they know it for these kids,” Thomas said. “They will have this opportunity to interact with other children who know EXACTLY what they are going through!”

The four-night camp, entitled Camp ROAR will be held at Camp Maranatha, from July 13-17, 2020, and children from all over the state are welcome, however, for their first year, the Camp will be limited to 20 children. 

Camp ROAR, cleverly named after the roar of a Lion, will offer a traditional summer camp experience in a medically safe environment while encouraging the children to develope social-skills, lifelong friendships and self respect. The idea is to help the kids build their confidence and ability to care for themselves  including reducing their feeling of isolation, developing skills to manage their blood sugar and bring them new hope and coping skills. 

Throughout their time at the camp, the children will enjoy a schedule that includes miniature golf, pool time, a zip line, kayaking and even a dance/talent show. 

Also included in the schedule is diabetes education. 

“Diabetes is constant. Children must manage it all day and all night, and it never goes away. These children and their families walk a tightrope to keep blood sugars from dropping too low or rising too high.


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