Article Image Alt Text Samantha Goff | Johnson Publications
Deuel County Deputy Mike Hutchinson sits with the awards he has received within the last years, including his most recent, the Purple Heart, which he received on March 16.

Getting to know you: Michael Hutchinson

Michael Hutchinson, better known as “Mike” or “Hutch,” was born on Dec. 2, 1963 in Ogallala. 

He went to school and graduated in Cozad and said it wasn’t until an American Legion Junior Law Cadet Program that he really knew what he wanted to do with his life. 

It sparked his desire to enter law enforcement, but at the time, he was not old enough. So instead he enlisted in the National Guard and almost four years later, he joined the Army.

While stationed in Louisiana, a friend set Mike up on a blind date...July of this year  marks the 32 year marriage anniversary with his then date, Karyl.

 Mike and Karyl were blessed with three children, Zach, Molly and Sarah, and are now the doting grandparents to four grandchildren. 

Mike’s daughter, Molly (Hutchinson) Deaver, lives in Grant with her husband James and Mike’s two grandsons. 

Mike and Karyl reside in Deuel County, between Chappell and Big Springs, and Mike says his favorite part of living in southwest Nebraska is being so close to two of his grandchildren. 

“I love the way he loves my grandbabies!” Karyl said of Mike.

 After about eight years with the armed forces, Mike was able to make his law enforcement dream a reality and has since worked for a couple different departments. Most recently employed with the Deuel County Sheriff’s Office.

In December of 2015, Mike was shot four times in the line of duty, as he attempted to serve an arrest warrant. Three years later, Mike is still trying to recover and get back to his “normal” life, which he has to work at every single day. 

In fact, that is what Mike says has been the greatest challenge of his life; just trying to put his life back together. 

Since then, Mike and his family have done their best to continue on with life with the most positive attitude and make something good come of the bad. 

In March of 2016, Hutch received the Desert Show and Black Asphalt Silver Shield. 

In April of 2017, Governor Rickets signed bill LB444, which prohibits cities and counties from canceling insurance for injured first responders unable to return to work for up to 12 months. 

This was a huge step in the right direction, and was a GIANT stepping stone in helping Hutch feel the good coming from the bad. 

In May of 2017 he was awarded the Public Servant Hero Award during the American Red Cross Heartland Heroes banquet in Grand Island. 

Most recently, March 16 of this year, Mike received the highest honor, when he was awarded the Purple Heart. 

The comments that filled the Facebook feed where Mike announced his latest medal are a testament to his character, as one person wrote, “You may have received the Purple Heart, but that is so small compared to your true heart.” Another comment read “you actually have a heart of GOLD!”

When asked about “something people don’t know about you,” Mike hesitated and couldn’t think of much, but Karyl piped right up and said “For all of his rough outside demeanor, he’s actually a really soft hearted person! 

“When he was in the hospital, he received a letter from a man in prison, who wrote him and said ‘I hope you get better, and I want you to know, you were the only one who ever treated me like I was a real person.’ And that’s what people don’t realize, was that, people that he arrested told him what a good man he was and how he talked to them like people, and talked to them about God.... you know, the people you wouldn’t expect to have on your side, were on his side.”

Despite all the awards and recognition Mike has received in the last few years, he says his children are still absolutely his proudest accomplishment. 

“All my children are functioning, productive, successful, happy members of society.”

He also said the greatest memories of his life are of his kids being born, equal to the day he married his wife Karyl. 

Mike’s daughter Sarah said she loves her dad’s grit and optimism.

All three of Mike’s children agreed that he is an advocate of doing the right thing. Molly added “He always does the right thing, even if it’s not the popular thing.”

His son Zach said, “I love the fact that he has always taught me to do better and be better than him. As a husband, father, son, brother, worker, etc. He teaches me all he knows, but he never expects me to do exactly as he has done. He wants me to be better. Even if we disagree, he wants me to try everything in a way that is better than the way he did it.”

Molly said “He is always ready to help. He is brave. He is strong. He is an amazing grandpa. He is very encouraging. He has a great sense of humor.” 

Aside from his number one favorite thing, his family, Mike’s hobbies include hunting and fishing, and though he said  “I can’t do them as much or go as long,” he does still try to do what he can. 

“A favorite memory of mine was fishing with him (just him and I) in Estes Park we got caught in a thunderstorm, and I just remember sitting there with him in the pouring down rain, laughing. My mom and siblings were at a grocery store in town and didn’t realize it had started to rain and they had the vehicle. So we just had to sit there,” Molly said.

Another thing Mike enjoys, and may be considered a hidden talent is cooking. 

“I can cook like no other! I love to cook steaks on the grill. I like to smoke things on the grill as well,” Mike said, and Karyl added “And he’s THE breakfast cook in our family!” 

When traveling, Mike and his wife Karyl love to go to Custer, South Dakota. A little place they sort of found by mistake, has become one of there favorite destinations. 

They were making a long drive for a family event and Karyl thought they might as well see some things along the way and she saw Custer State Park on the map and thought they might  just drive through some beautiful countryside, they instead found thier own little slice of heaven.

“It’s beautiful there! You’ve got to get your kids and go!” Mike said.

When it comes to his family, they are second to nothing to Mike. Karyl said “One of my favorite memories is that time the tornado hit and he was all the way in Wayne and he came all the way back to Ogallala to be sure we were OK..,”

Mike said his idea of the perfect day would be, “Getting up, making a big breakfast and going on a trip with my wife.”

“I like the way we laugh together at the same things, and travel together,” Karyl said.

Mike accredits his strong faith to getting him where he is today and agreed with his wife, who said “God has had a hand in leading him this far, he’s still meant to be here with us, and we’ll just keep going.” 


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